
Request generator

Use the option of making an inquiry or order using the form provided


1. To do this, open the adjacent form


2. Complete the form with your contact details, select the appropriate selection fields and complete the input fields with the appropriate quantities.


3. The following options are available for sending to our team


                 a. Save the file on your PC and send it with your e-mail client

                     (Outlook or similar) to info@reinhard-feinmechanik.de


                 b. Use the mailing menu (letter symbol) in your PDF reader for quick

                     send the email to info@reinhard-feinmechanik.de


                 c. Print out the completed form (2 pages) and send it via

                     Fax to +49 (0) 6074/2020





REINHARD Feinmechanik GmbH

Assar-Gabrielsson-Str. 1

63128 Dietzenbach



Tel:  +49 (0)6074 84127 0

Fax: +49 (0)6074 2020



Our offer is aimed only at business customers!

(B2B Shop)


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